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My Portfolio
This is Koji Kanao's portfolio site. He is an software eng in Brooklyn. Currently, he is working on a robotics startup company.

mtindo is a style transfer application. It offers a unique opportunity that generates a new image/video from an image/video.
- python
- nodejs
- electron

Data from Mukuru
Data Visualization project with Pawa Initiative which is a NPO in Nairobi, Kenya.
- js
- D3js
- heroku

nikobot is an interactive expressive robot pet for your desk, a minimal interactive robot.
- Arduino
- html
- css
- js

Rose light
Rose light is a physical computing project that is made of 3d printing parts and Arduino. The color is controlled by a smartphone via Bluetooth
- Arduino
- 3D printer
- Bluetooth

Gif Camera
Gif Camera is a physical computing prototype. This device offers a function that can create a gif easily to users. This offers 5 types of filters with combinations of three buttons.
- Raspberry Pi Zero
- python
- ffmpeg

RealSense Scan App
This is an experimental project to use RealSense and openFrameworks.
- Realsense
- openFrameworks
- c++

Ichi-go ichi-e
Ichi-go ichi-e is a Japanese four-character idiom. The term means "for this time only" or "once in a lifetime." Ichi-go ichi-e is an openFrameworks application that generates a new shader code.
- openFrameworks
- python

Instagram Effects
Instagram Effects with FragmentShaders
- SparkAR Studio
- JavaScript
- FragmentShaders

complexity with colors
This is an experimental project to try an NFT on
- glsl
- shader


easyGAN is a CLI tool which can train images and generates images with DCGAN.
- python
- keras

I have worked with a range of technologies in web dev, creative coding, and hardware.
Experience with
reactjs, typescript, redux, webpack, and rollupjsBackend
Experience with
python and nodejsCreative coding
Experience with
Processing(P5js), openFrameworks, touchDesigner, a little bit Shaders
About Koji
Koji is a software engineer with a passion to build challenging products for improving people’s lives. Since I graduated from New York University, he has worked on my projects with TypeScript, React, and Python. He has also contributed to open-source projects on GitHub.